Intraoral spray mist suction is an integral part of a practice's hygiene and infection control measures. It reduces the spray mist and effectively prevents the creation of aerosols in the treatment room. This is aided by the practice team's experience – they employ an effective retraction technique (working as a pair with the four-hand technique) and use a large suction cannula. This is ergonomic, effective and guarantees the best view of the treatment site.

The team's expertise is also demonstrated through the selection of appropriate suction systems. Among the units available on the market, the best option is to use Class IIa medical devices in the form of central or mobile intraoral spray mist suction systems (e.g. VS systems, Tyscor series and Variosuc, Dürr Dental, Bietigheim-Bissingen). Of course, only a powerful suction unit with at least 250 to 300 liters of suction volume per minute and operator should be considered. . According to the state of the art, this is the only effective method for reducing aerosols in dental practices1.

The service technician should inspect the system at regular intervals to ensure that there is always sufficient suction volume available. This is done using a special measuring device on the large cannula. The hygiene of the cannulas and suction handpieces is already given a great deal of consideration in every dental practice – they are professionally reprocessed after every patient. The practice team also pays attention to secondary air inlets when selecting the cannulas. These prevent backflow – and, hence, cross-contamination – if the suction flow is interrupted due to clogging.

When it comes to identifying coronavirus hotspots – places where the risk of infection is particularly high – dental practices will definitely not be on the list. And that is not because any specific additional measures have been introduced – it is because practice teams know they can rely on familiar, tried-and-tested routines and systems (particularly with regard to suction systems).


1Tillner, A.: In-Vitro-Studie zur Effektivität der Saugleistung mittels einer neu entwickelten Saugkanüle während der Biofilmentfernung. Dissertation an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Accessed on 14 April 2020)