Lunos Case Reports

Recall Therapy - Patient Focus on Aesthetics

Practice Information
Kerstin Singelmann, Swiss Federal Certificate of Competence Dental Hygienist HF SRK
Dental Hygiene Practice in Lachen, Switzerland

Patient information
Male, 76 years old, regular recall visitor, good oral hygiene at home, unsightly discoloration and calculus formation, restored dentition. Healthy patient without regular medication intake, non-smoker.

Initial Situation

Last recall visit 9 months ago, subjectively no problems when eating, drinking, or cleaning, daily manual toothbrush, dental sticks several times a week. Discoloration and calculus formation are a big problem for the patient.
Gingiva with slight local signs of inflammation, isolated minor recessions of up to 3 mm, increased probing depth of up to 4 mm in the molar area. Mandibular incisors and molars with lingual calculus and discolorations, maxillary molars with calculus. Plaque control insufficient on mandibular lingual side.

Treatment and result

Discussion and demo of the situation with oral hygiene instructions, removal of plaque and discoloration on tooth enamel using MyLunos Duo Powder Waterjet Nozzle Supra and Lunos Prophylaxis Powder Gentle Clean. Removal of calculus with the MyLunos Duo ultrasonic handpiece, gentle plaque removal in the sulcus area and on exposed dentine with Lunos prophy powder Perio Combi. Polishing of the surfaces with a cup and Lunos Polishing Paste Super Soft.
Demonstration of the treatment results with subsequent remotivation and fluoridation.

Fast and thorough medical biofilm control and removal of cosmetically unattractive plaque and calculus possible even in difficult-to-reach recesses. At the same time, excellent protection of hard and soft tissue was ensured.

Clinican Feedback

The initial "cleanup" with the combination device MyLunos Duo and Lunos Prophy Powder provided a quick overview of what further treatment would be required, along with subsequent fine depuration with the MyLunos ultrasonic handpiece. Here, the quick changeover to the disinfecting rinsing solution is an additional bonus for establishing healthy conditions. Because the equipment can be used on dentin in conjunction with Lunos Prophy Powder Perio Combi, it was possible to clean approximal spaces efficiently in a way that was noticeably comfortable for the patient.

No more unpleasant ultrasound or scratching sensations, no shrill “dentist noise”. Overall a very pleasant, refreshing treatment with a positive, clean and beautiful result. Great “tongue feeling” on the tooth surfaces.



Used products

Lunos Prophy Powder

Strong but gentle – the Lunos Prophy Powders Gentle Clean and Perio Combi.


MyLunos Duo

MyLunos Duo combines two of the most important treatment methods for a prophylaxis session: powder jet treatment and ultrasound treatment.


Lunos Prophy Pastes

Lunos Prophy Pastes are a byword for effective yet gentle cleaning.
