
ID 215 Enzymatic instrument cleaner

Instrument cleaner with good material compatibility and a pleasant scent

ID 215 Enzymatic instrument cleaner is suitable for use on general and surgical instruments as well as on rotating instruments that are sensitive to alkaline and alcohol-based cleaners. The cleaner offers excellent material compatibility, particularly for instruments with parts made of rubber or silicone.

ID 215 Enzymatic instrument cleaner

Concentrate for manual, enzymatic instrument cleaning prior to disinfection


  • Bactericidal, yeasticidal, limited virucidal (enveloped viruses incl. HBV, HCV, HIV and coronaviruses)
  • The microbicidal effect protects personnel
  • Exceptional cleaning efficiency - dissolves even the most stubborn contamination
  • Good material compatibility


Active ingredients: quaternary ammonium compounds, guanidine compounds
Available as: 2.5 l
Our recommendation: Hygobox

Concentrate for manual, enzymatic instrument cleaning prior to disinfection

ID 215 contains enzymes in order to e.g. break down proteins in blood and saliva so that they can be effectively cleaned from dental instruments. In addition, thanks to its antimicrobial effect, the cleaner also offers additional protection for staff during pre-cleaning of the instruments. 

ID 215 is used for cleaning prior to disinfection and can be used with an application concentration of 2% or 1% (with action times of 15 and 30 minutes respectively). Once the instruments have been cleaned, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, and the pre-cleaned instruments should then be disinfected with suitable disinfectants such as ID 212, ID 212 forte, ID 213 or ID 220 Bur disinfection. 

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