Special areas

MD 520 Disinfection box

Ideal for use with individual impressions

The MD 520 Disinfection box can be used for immersion cleaning of one or two impressions. They are attached on the underside of the lid using the special attachment, and once the reaction time has passed they can be easily and safely lifted out of the solution again. To help remind users that impressions are currently in the box and will need to be removed soon, the unit has a red reminder flag on the lid that pops up whenever there is an impression inside the box. If you need to clean and disinfect larger quantities of impressions then we recommend using the Hygobox.

MD 520 Disinfection box

Container for immersion disinfection and cleaning with MD 520

  • Contains a special suspension device in the lid for max. 2 impression trays
  • With practical ‘occupied’ display/reminder when hanging up


Volume: Maximum capacity 1 litre
Size: height 19 cm, Ø 11.7 cm
Ideal for: MD 520 Impression disinfection

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