In countries like Germany, we are used to there being one dentist available for every 1,000 or 1,500 people. However, in some African countries that ratio can be as low as one dentist per million inhabitants. This cannot be regarded as a well-functioning and properly developed dental care system. The population's lack of access to affordable dental and surgical treatment remains a serious problem in Guinea, as in many other parts of Africa. 

In order to improve the quality of care and address the local demand for dental training and care in West Africa, DÜRR DENTAL has supported the expansion of the Gamal Dental Clinic in the capital of Guinea with a six-digit investment. The dental clinic at Gamal University is the central facility in West Africa and plays a key role in providing urgently needed training for future dental specialists. It was only after the clinic opened in 2020 that students at the dental faculty were able to start seeing their first patients. Since then, doctoral students in dentistry who were trained as part of the partnership with Gamal University have been supervising the next cohorts of students at the university.

"Supporting the expansion of this dental clinic in West Africa and equipping it with our innovative products is a matter close to my heart, not least because I am a Christian", explains Martin Dürrstein, the third generation CEO who directs the family-owned international business from its headquarters in Bietigheim-Bissingen with more than 1,300 employees worldwide. "I see social commitment as a social obligation, and I have already had several opportunities to get my own impression on site in West Africa. Dentistry plays an important role in alleviating the suffering of these poor people, which of course fits in very well with our company’s mission", Dürrstein continues.

Upon completion of the two-storey extension building of the university clinic, construction of which began in December 2022, the capacity for dental students to study and treat patients has now more than doubled. However, investments were made not only into adding 20 treatment places, but above all into innovative and high-quality X-ray technology. 

Here, DÜRR DENTAL supplied intraoral X-ray systems and a large 3D X-ray device with a cephalometric unit that can be used to take razor-sharp X-ray images for a reliable diagnosis and well-informed treatment decisions. The VistaSoft image analysis software with the integrated AI workflows helps save time and makes the work more efficient.

In addition to the X-ray units, the clinic was also fitted with energy-efficient equipment 'Made in Germany' for the supply of compressed air and suction. The six 'Silver Airline' compressors and four suction systems provided by DÜRR DENTAL stand for absolute reliability, durability and safe practice/clinic operation. DÜRR DENTAL system solutions have been highly regarded by dentists throughout the world for more than 80 years.
To ensure appropriate protection for patients and staff, it was also important that the system hygiene products from DÜRR DENTAL should be available on site. The Swabian corporate group supplied several pallets of disinfectants for instruments, surfaces, hands and suction systems to the dental clinic at Gamal University. 

All of this has now been installed and taken into operation in Conakry by Amos Brian Luzze, DÜRR DENTAL staff member for Central Africa, and Dr David Ugai with help from dedicated volunteers from the university. Dr Ugai, originally from the USA, has been supervising the clinical training of young dentists at Gamal University's dental clinic since 2018. He is now the director of the dental department. He emphasises: "Thanks to the great commitment of DÜRR DENTAL and their staff, we have been able to deliver the project in an outstanding way and are delighted that we now have the high-quality equipment and state-of-the-art dental technology we need not only to provide treatments, but also to meet the increasing demand for practical training of qualified dentists in the future.”

The important clinical and practical experience students will now be able to gain with modern dental equipment and products thanks to the dedication of DÜRR DENTAL is an essential part of the training that was previously not available at the Dentistry Department. The dental clinic will continue to provide much-needed dental care to the local population free of charge or at reduced prices, and it is confident that the investment in better training opportunities will aid not only Guinea, but also the whole of West Africa.

Picture 1: Dr David Ugai (right), Director of the Dental Clinic at Gamal University with a member of staff in the entrance area of the new building
Picture 2: DÜRR DENTAL employee Amos Luzze (right) with 2 clinic employees in the X-ray room next to the 3D X-ray device