Dental Care service

Service carefully tailored to your Vector® and Lunos® devices

2+1 product registration – use the advantages and enjoy the benefits

Register your practice and enter your products and get an extra year's warranty on your Lunos and Vector devices.

Register now

Rental devices

So you need to send your Vector® Paro for servicing, but can't afford downtimes? Take advantage of our rental device service. Free of charge for warranty cases or for an affordable 60-day flat fee otherwise. You can order a rental device from your nearest dental depot.

Book a service technician

On-site service

So your device isn't working? DÜRR DENTAL's Technical Field Service is on hand to help. Our "workshops on wheels" provide expert support for the installation, maintenance and repair of all devices from DÜRR DENTAL.



We can help with your specific service needs!

Compressed air

Our experienced experts are on hand to keep your compressor in perfect condition in the long term.



Preserve the value of your suction unit with our services.



Keep track at all times with our diagnostics service options.



Excellent cleaning and disinfection results guaranteed with our service.
