New features in VistaSoft 2.3
- Support of the older USB connected VistaScan devices
- DICOM workflow support with PACS and RIS environment
- VistaSoft Cloud for a simple and secure data exchange with colleagues
- VistaVox S Ceph support
- VistaScan Nano Easy support
- Image transfer interface to 3rd party software
- Image states are now nameable
- Easy database switch with the Server Manager tool
- Screenshot function for DVT images
- Improved image handling, especially for DVT images
- Scrolling thru the layers with mouse wheel and pressed “Shift” key
- Pan and zoom function during different actions
- New WHQL certified drivers
- Finding window is now moveable (for not covering important image parts)
- Import of multiple implant files in one step
- Rotation of implants by pressing the “Alt” key
- BCG control for camera images