The MyLunos® powder jet handpiece can be disassembled into its individual parts and is suitable for complete reprocessing either manually or automatically in a machine. As a result, this unique hygiene concept delivers a powerful hygiene platform by virtue of its design. The perfectly balanced handpiece makes for highly ergonomic, fatigue-free working. The handy exchangeable chamber principle saves a lot of time and adds great flexibility. The powder container can be replaced quickly and easily directly on the handpiece, avoiding the inconvenience of a complicated refilling process in the middle of treating the patient and thus avoiding lengthy interruptions to the treatment. In addition, it also means that surgeries can prepare enough powder containers for the whole day. Powder containers are available in five different colours: blue, orange, mint green, cerise and purple. These different colours can be used to help with the organisation and planning of prophylaxis treatments. For example, the container colours can be assigned to certain treatment rooms, or instead to certain powder variants.
The Lunos® Prophy Powders Gentle Clean and Perio Combi are the latest generation of low-abrasive prophy powders. They consist mainly of the disaccharide trehalose, which is highly water-soluble. As an abrasive material, trehalose is particularly gentle on the surface, yet it still delivers effective cleaning. This not only makes things much more comfortable for the patient, but also ensures that the treatment is as minimally invasive as possible. On top of this, the particularly excellent solubility of trehalose in water also protects the suction system and thus helps to retain its value.
Everyone has different tastes and different preferences, and many prophylaxis patients also suffer from allergies. Accordingly, it helps with the general comfort and wellbeing of each patient if they are given the option during a prophylaxis treatment to choose between different flavours – or to opt for a neutral flavour – to suit their own personal preference.
Lunos® Prophy Powder Gentle Clean is available in the flavours Neutral (for patients at risk of allergies), as well as Orange, Spearmint and Wild Berry. With a particle size of 65 μm, it is suitable for supragingival cleaning and for the removal of extrinsic discolouration.
With a particle size of 30 μm, Lunos® Prophy Powder Perio Combi is a “one-for-all” powder and particularly well suited to recall applications. It is suitable for subgingival removal of biofilm and for supragingival cleaning and removal of slight discolouration. As a neutral-tasting product, this powder is particularly well suited to patients who react sensitively to flavourings.
"Flow Power" with Lunos® – a premium brand from DÜRR DENTAL: Safe and effective powder jet treatment with a feel-good factor
Now more than ever, dental practices must pay particular attention to ensuring that all treatments and work are carried out with perfect hygiene – safely and in a manner that protects against the risk of infection. Firstly to create safety for the practice team itself, but secondly to ensure that this safety is also extended to the patients. Particularly when it comes to professional teeth cleaning with powder jet technology, it is especially important that patients feel comfortable, happy and safe during the treatment. Here, the Lunos® prophylaxis system offers a range of products to help with all aspects of the prophylaxis session. We would particularly like to highlight the products that ensure an effective yet pleasant jet powder treatment for the patient: the MyLunos® powder jet handpiece and the Lunos® Prophy Powders Gentle Clean and Perio Combi.