Orthodontic treatment
Practice Information
Dr. Chong Guo Wei
Klinik Pergigian Dr. G, Malaysia
Patient Information
24 years old patient, non-smoker. This patient currently undergoing orthordontic brackets treatment for one year.

Initial Situation
Patient presented with moderate stain on supragingival, especially lingual area.

Treatment and result
Performed scaling prior to powder jet treamtment to remove calculus. MyLunos handpiece and Lunos Prophy Powder Perio Combi are then used for plaque and stain removal.
Plaque and stains are efficently removed using only MyLunos powder jet handpiece and Lunos Prophy Powder Perio Combi.

Clinician Feedback
I like the feature of the 360° turn of the nozzle head, which allows me to reach all tooth surfaces. It makes my work easier and faster when removing stains and plaque. With the Lunos Prophy Powder Perio Combi, I can clean more effectively, especially at the attachment site.