300 is a must

Best protection against aerosols through intraoral spraymist suction

300 l/min suction volume is a must

Without spray mist suction, the cooling spray of the high-speed and ultrasound instruments spreads an aerosol cloud throughout the entire treatment room. Thanks to intraoral suction technology with a suction power of around 300 l/min, the resulting risk of infection is efficiently reduced. It is important that the spray mist is already extracted in the patient's mouth so that no aerosol can form in the first place. Because what does not leave the patient's mouth does not have to be eliminated afterwards. Thus, the correct intraoral suction with a spray mist cannula makes an important contribution to infection protection for the dentist, the practice team and the patient.


Best protection

Best protection for practice team and patient – the DÜRR DENTAL suction system


Pilot study on aerosol reduction

High-volume suction with a large cannula – for safety and reliability


Intraoral spray mist suction

Risk of disease transmission in dentistry
