Silver Airline - Compressed Air for CAD CAM Systems

Optimally suited for continuous operation of milling and grinding machines

Milling and grinding machines place particularly high demands on the compressor in terms of reliable and constant supply of compressed air. Constant oil-free, clean and dry compressed air is the top priority for operation - because the milling machine does not allow any breathers during operation.

Membrane drying unit

The duty cycle of a compressor unit during operation with a milling machine far exceeds the duty cycle in normal dental practice operation. Thanks to the innovative membrane drying system from Dürr Dental, no regeneration times are necessary. This ensures constantly dry compressed air in continuous operation.

Compressed air quality according to ISO 22052 Chap. 5.3.

Manufacturers of CAD/CAM systems make clear specifications for the quality of the connected compressed air supply regarding particle, oil and water content. Moist compressed air can cause damage to the CAD/CAM system. Oil can also impair the quality of the milling result. With our membrane drying and bacteria filter, Dürr Dental compressors produce dry and oil-free compressed air – for the optimal result of your work.

The Tandem Principle

The electronic control of the tandem compressors allows easy adjustment of the pressure range. The two independently operating aggregates ensure operational reliability. If the demand for compressed air increases, it is possible to connect a second tandem compressor to the same compressed air network.

Operational safety with VistaSoft Monitor

With the help of the cloud-based IoT application VistaSoft Monitor, the condition of the compressor can be checked anywhere and at any time. You and participating dealers are also immediately alerted to upcoming maintenance/inspections. If action is required, you will receive an alert immediately.


The Smart Power Mode ensures adaptive and independent control of the aggregates, which continuously takes the individual compressed air consumption into account. The new firmware also offers more flexibility by extending the pressure range setting from 9 to 9.5 bar.

For difficult installation conditions: Buffer tank

Additional buffer volume is required for compressed air pipe networks with small pipe diameters or long distances between the compressor and CAD/CAM systems. The buffer tank ensures a continuous and stable supply of compressed air to the CAD/CAM system.


Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
Ceramill Motion 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054  Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

Ceramill Motion 2, 3

7,0 - 9,0 bar*

4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

Ceramill Mikro 7,0 - 9,0 bar*

4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

Ceramill Matron 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.
Ceramil Matik 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4852500054 Quattro P20 4 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
D1 5,5 - 7,5 bar 4252500054  Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.
D5 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4682500054  Quattro Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
CORiTEC (140i, 250i, 240i, 340i, 350i, 440i, 450i) 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.
CORiTEC (550i, 750i)
air cooling
7,0 - 9,0 bar*

4682500054 Quattro Tandem 2 Aggr.

CORiTEC (550i, 750i)
water cooling
7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.
CORiTEC (650i) 7,0 - 9,0 bar*

4682500054 Quattro Tandem 2 Aggr.

CORiTEC (150i, 150i dry, 150i PRO)  5,5 – 7,5 bar                      4152-54 Duo Tandem 1 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
PrograMill PM3, PM5, PM7 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4682500054 Quattro Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
ARCTICA engine 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4152-54 Duo Tandem 1 Aggr.
Everest engine 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Swith Configuration recommended Dürr Dental compressor
PlanMill 30 S, 35, 40, 40 S, 60 S 5,5 - 7,5 bar 4152-54 Duo Tandem 1 Aggr.
PlanMill 50 S 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
DWX-4, DWX-50 5,5 - 7,5 bar 4152-54 Duo Tandem 1 Aggr.
DWX-51D 5,5 - 7,5 bar 4152-54 Duo Tandem 1 Aggr.
DWX-4W 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
inLab MC X5 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor

S1, S2, S5

7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054  Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

K4, K5, K5+

7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054  Duo Tandem 2 Aggr

N4, N4+

5,5 - 7,5 bar 4152-54 Duo Tandem 1 Aggr.


7,0 - 9,0 bar*

4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
ZENOTEC select 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.
ZENOTEC mini 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4252500054 Duo Tandem 2 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

Product Pressure Switch Configuration recommended Dürr Dental Compressor
M1, M3, M4, M5, M6 7,0 - 9,0 bar* 4642-54 Quattro Tandem 1 Aggr.

*To install the compressor in the increased pressure range of 7.0 - 9.0 bar, we recommend installing the CAD CAM nozzle set with article number 1650100347. This is included in the scope of delivery of the CAD/CAM compressors mentioned above.

This recommendation applies to a 1:1 connection between CAD/CAM system and compressor. If there are other (e.g. workstations for technicians), these will have an effect on the correct choice of compressor and must therefore be taken into account accordingly. To avoid pressure fluctuations caused by other air consumers, it is recommended to operate the CAM system via a separate compressed air network with a dedicated compressor. Adjusting the pressure range on the compressor and setting the correct operating mode is also essential. The Duo Tandem is available with optional sound insulation.


Continuous supply of dry and hygienic air, flavourless and odourless, for continuous operation


Increased operational safety thanks to early warning messages and automatic maintenance reminders


Maximised reliability and operational safety for many years thanks to the use of maintenance-free components


User-friendly adjustment of device settings to the conditions in the practice

Technical Data

Compressors CAD CAM Systems

The technical data for all our compressors for CAD/CAM milling and grinding systems can be found here.

Technical Data

Further Information

You can find more information in our dealer portal:
Overview compressors for CAD/CAM