For example, the <link _blank>ID 213 Instrument disinfection concentrate or <link _blank>ID 220 Bur disinfection are coded with the colour blue. Both preparations are bactericidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal and fully virucidal (tested in accordance with EN 14476) against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses and meet all the requirements of the Robert Koch Institute. Numerous devices and matching accessories make dosing and application much easier in the day-to-day working environment and thus contribute to efficient instrument reprocessing.

The "pink" area includes, among other things, <link _blank>HD 410 hand disinfection for rubbing into the hands for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. It has a bactericidal, tuberculocidal, yeasticidal and limited viricidal effect, including on non-enveloped adenoviruses, noroviruses and rotaviruses. HD 410 cuts in half the application time for hygienic disinfection from 30 to 15 seconds, and surgical hand disinfection requires only 1.5 minutes as opposed to the normal 5 minutes. It is also moisturising and gentle on skin.

When it comes to the cleaning and disinfection of contaminated objects, areas and surfaces on medical devices, everything is in the "green" area as far as Dürr System Hygiene is concerned. Here, highly-effective and user-friendly products deliver impressive performance and make day-to-day hygiene measures much easier for the practice team. With its range of concentrates and ready-to-use solutions and an extensive selection of wipes, Dürr Dental offers the right solution for every application.

The <link _blank>FD 333 forte Quick-acting disinfection product line deserves special mention. This is the only alcohol-based quick-acting disinfection product to date that has been declared bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal in accordance with the current DVV/RKI guidelines EN 14476.

In addition, FD 333 forte offers very good and certified material compatibility for instruments that are subjected to a final disinfection (semi-critical A). FD 333 forte is available as ready-to-use wipes and as a ready-to-use solution for wipe disinfection.

Cleaning and disinfection products in the fourth, yellow-coded speciality area, are responsible for removing pathogens from suction systems. Their active ingredients have been tested for effectiveness in precisely this area of application. The flagship in this area is <link _blank>Orotol® plus, which has been the gold standard in suction system disinfection for many years. Thanks to its bactericidal, yeasticidal and limited virucidal properties, it reliably dissolves biofilm and helps to prevent clogging caused by blood and proteins. At the same time, it also protects system parts thanks to its good material compatibility. In combination with <link>MD 555 cleaner Special cleaner, deposits of salts that are difficult to dissolve, limescale, prophylaxis powders or Pearl products based on calcium carbonate are also removed from all parts of the suction system – including from the lines.