A particular highlight of the IDS 2025 will be the 60th anniversary of Orotol and the suction systems from Dürr Dental. 60 years ago, Dürr Dental invented not only the suction system, but also the solution for disinfecting and cleaning suction systems. This was the launch of our innovative system solutions in dental suction and the foundation for the best infection protection in day-to-day practice life. Dürr Dental is celebrating the anniversary throughout the year with various marketing activities, and visitors to the trade fair can also join in the celebrations.

“We are proud to have supported dentistry with innovative solutions for more than 80 years. The 60th anniversary of Orotol and our suction systems is an opportunity for us to reflect on our history, while also looking to the future”, says Martin Dürrstein, who has been CEO of the Swabian family business Dürr Dental for over 20 years and is the third generation of his family to do so. “At the IDS 2025 we will present our newest developments that will make dentistry even more efficient, safe and sustainable.”

In addition to the Orotol anniversary, Dürr Dental will present a wide spectrum of innovative system solutions at the IDS 2025. This includes two of the latest generation of digital panoramic X-ray machines, the VistaPano S 2.0 and the VistaPano S Ceph 2.0, which offer exceptional image quality and a well-thought-out workflow. The future of intraoral X-rays is wireless, flexible and offers a maximum field of view – visitors can see this for themselves at the trade fair stand and test out the image plates and scanners in the VistaScan product group. The VistaSoft suite supports dental practices with a wide range of new functions, AI features and device monitoring, and makes everyday practice life easier.

Dürr Dental will also present new compressed air and suction solutions that make dental practices even more flexible and efficient. The new Tyscor Tandem Flex from Dürr Dental sets the benchmark for scalability, e.g. for easy expansion as practices grow. Other new products range from special compressors for CAD/CAM systems through to the CS 20 compact central separation containers for large practices.

For almost a decade, the Lunos brand with its extensive product portfolio has been synonymous with customised prophylaxis. The latest addition to the Lunos product family is the MyLunos Duo combination device. A real all-rounder that combines two treatment methods, powder jet treatment and ultrasound, and thus enables comprehensive tooth cleaning with just one device.

DÜRR DENTAL at the IDS 2025
25 – 29 March 2025 in Cologne
Hall 10.1
Stand E 008, F 011 and E 020–F 029

More about Dürr Dental at the IDS 2025